Growing up, Mom always had a dog. Probably the first one I remember was Saint.
Saint was average size for his breed as far as I know. He weighed in somewhere around 150 - 175 pounds if I had to guess.
Saint Bernards were bred for search and rescue in the snowy mountains. They can smell 20 feet into a snow bank. Once they found who they were looking for, they would protect their charge with their life and keep them warm by snuggling up. Saints are particularly protective and loyal to children.
Mom took him to the dead end at the end of our street to work with him on his obedience commands. The dead end was rock and dirt a good open space for playing and not being disrupted. I'd venture to say Mom and Saint would go there to get away from it all. It was a peaceful place.
I remember Saint being a sweet dog and very loyal to Mom. He was her dog and she was his person. Because I was so little and Saint was so big, I thought he looked like a furry horse. When my brothers would put me on his back so I could ride him, Saint just sat down. It didn't matter where I sat on his back or how light I was. Mom said he knew I was a child and he did that because he knew I could get hurt if I fell off his back. What a sweetie! I don't think Saint had a mean bone in his body.
He lived the average lifetime for a Saint - 10 years or so. Mom buried him at our lake property at Lake Lanier north of Atlanta. She mourned his loss for years. He was a good dog.
Saint Bernards are known as the "gentle giants". Saint certainly helped them live up to their reputation.
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