Now I'll tell you why. First off, I don't just want to meet them. I want to get to know them. I want to know what makes them tick. I want to know them as a person, not what they are famous for.
Questions I want ask each individual:
Who was your biggest influence overall? What inspires you? Who and/or what makes you YOU? What are some of your true passions?
He seemed like a down to earth, calm, deep thinking soul. He loved what he did and who he did it with. I truly admire that. I was saddened by his death, but comforted knowing he was loving what he was doing at the time.
James Earl Jones
He too seems like a calm, peaceful person. Just to be in the same room with him would soothing.
Morgan Freeman
I don't know that I could find out about him because he always seems to make it about the other person. He just gives off a warm energy.
Her music is just incredible to me. Mysterious and beautiful. If she writes her own music, I want to know how - is she more inspired the more she writes?
Jodie Foster
She has always been one of my favorite actresses. I've read her biography. That just made me want to meet her more; to ask more questions. She has an inner strength that shows in everything she does.
Elton John
An incredibly talented, passionate man. He's never been afraid of who he is or what he stands for. I appreciate that.
Gordan Ramsay
I love how he wants to help others better themselves at any cost. Tough love.
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