I believe our lives are what they
are; that we are who we are; that what is happening to us is all for a reason.
Though that reason may not present itself for a day or a month or 10 years or
maybe never.
I have friends who recently
experienced incredible losses. My heart aches for them. All dealt with their
losses in their own way - denial, all out grief, pragmatically, support. I have
been through a tough time I thought was behind me just recently.
I wanted to console these friends
with a hug or words to make it all go away for them or just to be the shoulder
they cried on.
That’s when I realized I was there
for them. All they had to do was ask. I understood too they were suffering and
had to deal with it however they saw fit. Because they were in that place and
it was perfect for them. I accepted that with love in my heart.
Not all the places or moments feel
“perfect”. Sometimes they suck. They hurt. They certainly don’t tickle. Yet
they are perfect. If they were meant to be different, then they would be. But
they’re not.
I have learned to take comfort that
all I go through is perfect here and now. I don’t try to understand. I accept
it for what it is. I grieve the loss or ride the wave fully.
I am learning not to console with
cliques or words of wisdom. I am learning to take comfort that this moment is
perfect here and now for those suffering also. Nothing but time – and it may
take a lot of it – will heal those I care about who are hurting.
I will be there when called on.
Regardless of the reason. Even if it’s stupid or I disagree with the situation
or goes against all I believe in. I don’t have to agree to support a friend in
need. It’s their life – their decision. I am no one to judge that. I may voice
my unfiltered thoughts and it may not be pretty, but I’ll be there.
“It is what it is” is just about
overused now, but so true and it’s a good mantra to live by. Accept the
situation. Deal with it Move on. Learn from it.
Know this moment is perfect for you.
And everyone around you.
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